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Machine building for packaging industries

System solution for packaging and dosing in click-clack box
System solution for packing a mix of 4 separately measured components in card boxes. The system consists of a segment for box formation, dosing, closing, and collective packaging of boxes within heat-shrinkable packages. It is fully automated. System solution capacity 48 boxes/min.
Machine for vertical forming bags SVPC 250SS_VP, SDZS 5000
The video shows a machine for vertical forming of bags with 3 seals SVPC250SS_VP and auger feeder system SDZS5000 for powder materials. The machine shown has additional subsystems for forming welded edges as well as a subsystem for drawing foil by vacuum. Capacity of system 55 bags/min.
System solution for packaging powder metter SVPK 250, SDZS 5000
The video shows a machine for vertical forming of bags with 3 seals SVkC250 and auger feeder system SDZS5000 for powder materials. The machine shown has additional subsystems for forming welded edges as well as a subsystem for drawing foil by vacuum. Capacity of system 90 bags/min.
Machine for vertical forming bags SVPC 400, multihead 14 vaga
The video shows a machine for vertical forming of bags with 3 seals SVPC400 and multihead scales. The machines shown are intended for packing frozen pastry. The system solution shown packs up to 2.5 tons per hour. Maximum width of foil that can be used on the machine is 800mm.
Machine for vertical forming bags PVPC 400, multihead 14 vaga
The video shows a machine for vertical forming of bags with 3 seals PVPC400 and multihead scales. The machines shown are intended for packing frozen pastry. The system solution shown packs up to 1.8 tons per hour. Maximum width of foil that can be used on the machine is 800mm.
Horizontal auger filler with scale GVPH
Horizontal auger filler with scale is device specivicaly designed for productions demanding wide span in measuring of powders and fine grain products. Its design provides minimla time required for feeding screw exchange. Its simple to mantain and clean.
Redesigned feeder IZV200
Redesigned feeder IZV200 refined by higher ergonomity and endurance. Its new design enhenced capability in dealing with high density materials. Avalable in Inox and Carbon steel. Easy and quick to clean due to clear separation of drive and product area. Mechanical protection-Impact protection IP65-7. Also avalable in conform to ATEX 94/9/CE, in execution Ex II 3D tD A22 IP65 for zone Dust-22 and 3G EEx nA II T3 for zone Gas-2.
The flexible and compact checkweigher KV1000
The flexible and compact KV1000 checkweigher offers efficient and reliable 100% weight inspection with a throughput of up to 90 packs per minute, delivering high weighing accuracy for products up to 5000g
Machine for vertical forming bags PVPC250 and auger filler ACDZS5000
Video shows machine for vertical forming of bags with 3 seals PVPC250 and auger filler ACDZS5000 for dosing powder materials. Machinery with its economic designe is an excelent choice for pilot projects. Both devices have integrated control system with redesigned intuitive user interface. Its PLC is monitoring functionalty of the drives, heaters and actuators what makes its mentaining much easier. Presented machine has capability of forming 4 different bag types. Forming machine have numerous optional equipment that could enhence overall performance. Capacity of system 35 bags/min.
Machine for vertical forming bags SVPK250SS and auger filler SDZS5000
Video shows machine for vertical forming of bags with 3 seals SVPK250SS and auger filler SDZS5000 for dosing powder materials. Auger filler is upgraded with nitrogen applicator and support beem that alows adjustment of a screw hight. Presented machine has capability of forming quadseal bag on cirular tube what provides wider span in selection of screw diameter as well as posability of packing bulky product within small bags. Forming machine is refined by numerous subsystems that provides smooth, relaiable and enduring exploatation with high adjustabilit on all 3 seals. Capacity of system 90 bags/min.
Machine for vertical forming of bags with 3 seals PVPK105
Video shows machine for vertical forming of bags with 3 seals PVPK105 and auger filler SDZS100 for dosing powder materials. Auger filler is upgraded with nitrogen applicator and dust removing system.Machine can also be equiped both with volumetric piston dosing system for liquids or by volumetric dosing system for granular products. Forming machine is refined by numerous subsystems that provides smooth,relaiable and enduring exploatation with high adjustabilit on all 3 seals. Capacity of system 55 bags/min.